Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I toy with the idea of writing. When i was younger my English teacher once expressed an opinion that i could be a great writer when i grew up. I guess that generated a hope in me;one that continues to flourish subconsciously maybe to this day. Can i do it though?I do confess i tried a couple of times and failed. To thread a story from my mind, to create a train of thoughts that do actually have a purpose, to entertain,fascinate,enthrall..Can i do that?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

sucker for happy endings

one would think a 22 year old would be over childish waltz disney movies but i guess that kid in me never died..the one that ran to rent a movie shops thats somehow have sadly ceased to exist in todays grab a dvd era.god must have gotten that dumbo movie a million times..something is definitely twisted in me..or was(lets just say that so i can pretend im relatively normal/sane right now).weirdly that movie was my favourite..a four year old renting dumbo again and again is actually just asking for it...but well i guess a twenty two year old watching tangled isnt much different either..lol..which is worse????cant decide.but well thoroughly enjoyed the movie whatever that says about my sanity...made this blog page on a lark with ulterior motives..so well whatever.